21 Ocak 2011 Cuma


Figure 168: Parameter Passing (Motivation 2)

You can address all (global) variables defined in the main program from a

subroutine. But, in order to call up a subroutine for a specific situation with

different data objects for each situation, you do not use global variables in

the subroutine but placeholders, which are replaced with the required global

variables at the time the subroutine is called. These placeholders are called formal

parameters and together they form the interface of the subroutine, which has to

be declared when the subroutine is defined.

When the subroutine is called, formal parameters must be specialized by means of

corresponding global variables (actual parameters), in order to implement the

reference of the subroutine processing to real variables. This assignment of actual

parameters to formal parameters when calling a subroutine is called parameter


Figure 169: Ways of Passing Interface Parameters

They way these variables of the main program are passed to the formal parameters

of the subroutine is called passing type and is specified for each parameter in

the interface of the subroutine.

There are three passing types:

Call by Value

A copy is made of the actual parameter. This copy is assigned to the formal

parameter. If in the subroutine a value is assigned to the corresponding

formal parameter, this value will actually be assigned to a copy of the formal

parameter and not its original.

You use this pass type, to make the value of a global variable available to

the subroutine (in the form of a variable copy) without making it possible

to change the respective global variable (protecting the original). Please

note, however, that creating copies, especially for large internal tables, can

be time-consuming.


Call by value and result

With this transfer type, the same applies as for “call by value”. However, at

the regular end of the subroutine, the value that was changed to this point

is written back to the original. If the program is prematurely terminated

through a STOP statement or a user message of type E, the writing back

of the values is suppressed.

You use this pass type to transfer the value of a global variable to the

subroutine and to have the fully processed final value of the copy written

back to the original. But note that the creation of copies and the writing back

of values can be time-consuming, especially for large internal tables.

Call by reference

The actual parameter is assigned directly to the formal parameter. This

means that value assignments to the formal parameter are executed directly

on the actual parameter.

You use this pass type if you want to run the subroutine processing directly on

the specified actual parameter. It is popular for avoiding the time-consuming

creation of copies for large internal tables.

Figure 170: Defining and Calling Subroutines

• A subroutine is introduced with FORM.

• The name and the interface of the subroutine are to be specified behind FORM.

• The statements of the subroutine follow.

• TheENDFORM statement concludes the subroutine.

In the interface definition you list the formal parameters of the subroutine (here:

f1, f2, f3) and type them if necessary. The required pass type has to be specified

for each parameter:

Call by value

You list each of the formal parameters that is supposed to have the pass type

“call by value” (here: f1) with the VALUE prefix in the USING section.

(Refer to the above graphic for the syntax.)

Call by value and result

You list each of the formal parameters that is supposed to have the pass

type “call by value and result” (here: f1) with the VALUE prefix in the

CHANGING section. (Refer to the above graphic for the syntax.)

Call by reference

You list each of the formal parameters that is supposed to have the pass type

“call by reference” (here: f3) without the VALUE prefix in the CHANGING

section. (Refer to the above graphic for the syntax)

Note: A parameter without VALUE prefix, but placed in the USING

section also has the pass type “call by reference”. However, this

declaration syntax only makes sense for formal parameters that are

passed to larger internal tables, which are not to be changed in the

subroutine (documentation via USING) but are to be passed using

“call by reference” in order to avoid making time-consuming copies.

When the subroutine is called, the actual parameters to be transferred without

VALUE prefix are specified under USING or CHANGING. The order of

specification determines their assignment to the formal parameters. In the example

in the above graphic, a is passed to f1, b to f2, and c to f3.

Figure 171: Typing the Interface Parameters

A formal parameter is typed generically, if it is typed using TYPE ANY or not

typed at all. Actual parameters of any type can be transferred to such a parameter.

At runtime, the type of the actual parameter is determined and assigned to the

formal parameter (type inheritance) when the subroutine is called. However, if

the statements in the subroutine are not suited to the inherited type, a runtime
error may occur (type conflict). Hence, generic typing should only be used if the

type of the actual parameter is yet to be determined when the program is created

or if it can vary at runtime (dynamic programming).

You implement the concrete typing of a formal parameter by specifying a global

or built-in type in the TYPE addition. In doing so, you specify that only actual

parameters of the specified type are to be passed to the subroutine. A violation of

the type consistency between formal and actual parameters is already picked up in

the syntax check. This increases the stability of your program as type conflicts in

statements within the subroutine are prevented.

If you type with the standard types P, N, C or X, the missing characteristic “field

length” is not inherited from the actual parameter until runtime. You achieve

a complete type assignment with this type (i.e., including the field length) by

defining and specifying locally defined types.

You must type formal parameters for structures and internal tables so that you can

access the corresponding components. The components of structure parameters are

known in the subroutine, as a result of the assigned type, so that you can address

these components with the usual syntax. The typing of table parameters enables

you to address these as internal tables using the usual syntax in the subroutine.

Hint: Larger internal tables should be transferred by call by reference

in order to avoid time consuming copies.

Figure 173: Visibility of Global and Local Data Objects

Variables defined in the main program are global data objects. They are visible

(can be addressed) in the entire main program in every subroutine called.

Variables defined within a subroutine are called local, as they only exist in the

relevant subroutine - just like the formal parameters. The memory for formal

parameters and local data objects is only allocated during the subroutine run and

released again after execution.

The formal parameters and local data objects of a subroutine can not have the

same names. If there is a global data object with the same name as a formal

parameter or a local data object, then the formal parameter or local data object is

addressed within the subroutine and the global data object is addressed outside

the subroutine. This is called hiding rule. Within a subroutine the local data

objects “hides” the global one with the same name.

To clearly label your program-internal objects you

could, for example, use the following prefixes:

f_... for “formal parameters” and

l_... for a “local data object”.
Figure 174: Syntax Example: Passing an Internal Table

In the above syntax example, the internal table it_flightinfo and the global variable

carrid are passed by means of call by reference, even though they are not changed

in the subroutine. The advantage of this is that no copies have to be made.

To loop through the internal table, you need a work area with a compatible line

type. This is locally defined in the subroutine with reference to the table parameter

f_itab. The reference is possible because f_itab is typed in the interface of the

You can have the PERFORM statement for calling a subroutine generated into

your source code. First, define the subroutine and then save your main program.

The newly-defined subroutine appears in the navigation area. Move it to the

required call point in your program by means of drag & drop. All you have to do

is replace the formal parameters in the generated source code with corresponding

actual parameters.

(Alternatively, the call generation can also be implemented using the “Pattern”

pushbutton in the ABAP editor.)

The advantage of the call generation is that it is impossible to forget or mix


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