21 Ocak 2011 Cuma

Selection Screen

The selection screen has the following standard functions:

• Texts on the selection screen (selection texts) can be maintained in several

languages. At runtime the texts are automatically displayed in the user’s

logon language. (Automatic language)

• The system checks types automatically: If the user enters something that

does not correspond to the type of the input field, the SAP GUI will ignore it,

so it won’t even appear on the selection screen.

• In addition to single value entries (PARAMETERS), you can also implement

complex selections (SELECT-OPTIONS) on the selection screen. The

user can then enter intervals, comparative conditions or even patterns as


• If the input field is defined using a Dictionary element (e.g. data element),

then the field documentation (documentation of the data element) can be

displayed on the input field, using the F1 (input help) function key.

The data element’s search help for displaying possible inputs can be called

up using the F4 (input help) function key.

• You can easily save completed selection screens as variants for reuse or

use in background operation.
The above graphic illustrates the use of selection options, which enable complex

entries. Every selection screen contains an information icon (also known as a

“Help on Screen” icon). Choose this icon to display additional information.

You will learnmore about defining selection options using the SELECT-OPTIONS

statement later in this lesson.
Figure 197: Semantic Information on Global Types on the Selection Screen

If an input field is typed with a data element, the following additional semantic

information is available on the selection screen:

• The long field label of the data element can be copied to describe the input

field on the selection screen (selection text). (See next graphic)

• Thedocumentation of the data element is automatically available as an

input help (F1 help).

• Ifasearch help is linked to the data element , it is available as an input

help (F4 help).

(A search help is an independent dictionary object that displays a list of

possible input values to the user (possibly with additional information), from

which he can then select one for input.)

If the input field is typed with a structure field which is in turn defined using a

data element, then the above-described semantic information of the data element

is available on the selection screen. If the structure field is also copied to a search

help, then this “overwrites” the search help of the data element.

For more information, refer to the online documentation for the ABAP Dictionary.
On the selection screen, the names of the input fields appear as their description

by default. However, you can replace these with corresponding selection texts,

which you can then translate into any further languages you require. At runtime,

the selection texts are then displayed in the logon language of the user (automatic


Just like the list headers and text symbols, selection texts belong to the text

elements of the program. From the ABAP Editor, choose the menu GoTo → Text

Elements→Selection Texts to maintain them. You can implement your translation

using the menu GoTo → Translation.

If the input field is typed directly or indirectly with a data element, you can copy

the long field name from one of the texts stored in the Dictionary (“dictionary

reference”). This provides you with an easy option for standardizing the texts.
The completed selection screens are the variants of the program. After the

program has been started, the user can load variants to the respective selection

screen to facilitate repeated identical or almost identical inputs. You have

to include a variant when you schedule an ABAP program in the background

run, if the program has a selection screen, as user inputs are not possible in the


You define program-specific variants by starting the program, completing the

selection screen and saving it (disc pushbutton). You can also define different

attributes for the variant.

If variants have already been defined for a program, then an additional pushbutton

appears on the selection screen with the text flag “get variant...”. This push button

lists the defined variants for selection.

In order to be able to define his own variants, the user must have the corresponding

authorization (in the production system). But you can also define variants in the

development system and then have them transported to the production system.

Variants with the name prefix ’CUS&’ are system variants. They are transported

like ordinary repository objects and are not client-specific. All other variants are

client-specific and must be transported separately. From the ABAP Editor, choose

the menu GoTo → Variants to go to the variant management of your program,

where you can perform follow-up maintenance for your variants with regards to

values and attributes. There, choose the menu Tools → Transport Request to

specify the variants to be transported as well as a request. The transport happens

when the request is released.

For more information on variants, choose the pushbutton Information on Variant

Attributes on the screen in order to maintain your variant attributes.

The above graphic shows the usage and the runtime behavior of an input variable

defined using a PARAMETERS statement. Once again, the definition of such an

input variable creates a variable in the system and implicitly generates a selection

screen with a corresponding input option.

An input variable is defined in the same way as an ordinary variable. The only

difference is that the PARAMETERS keyword is used instead of DATA.

You have to consider three particularities:

• The name of the input variable may be up to 8 characters long.

• It may not be typed with the standard types F, STRING and XSTRING.

• The assignment of a default value is not implemented with the VALUE

addition but with the DEFAULT addition.

A default value assignment by means of the DEFAULT addition or value

assignment before displaying the selection screen (INITIALIZATION) is

displayed on the selection screen as a default value that can be overwritten.

If the user enters a value and chooses Execute, the input values are transferred to

the internal value and, for example, can be used to restrict the database selection.

Selection options are defined when you use the

SELECT-OPTIONS name FOR data_object.

statement, where name is the name of the select option and data_object is an

already defined variable. Such a definition creates an internal table of the specified

name within the program (here so_car) and generates a selection screen with an

input option for limiting the specified variable (here: wa_spfli-carrid).

User entries are transported to the automatically generated internal table when

Execute is chosen. This table always has four columns: sign, option, low, and

high. The above graphic shows, which entries are created for which user input:

• If ’LH’ is entered, a row is generated with the values ’I’ (inclusive), ’EQ’

(equal), ’LH’ and Space.

• If the interval ’AA’ to ’DL’ is entered, a row is generated with the values

’I’ (inclusive), ’BT’ (between), ’AA’ and ’DL’.

• If ’BA’ is entered as the single value to be excluded, a row is generated with

the values ’E’ (exclusive), ’EQ’ (equal), ’BA’ and Space.

The internal table filled with the entered selection criteria can be used for the

database selection, as illustrated in the graphic. The table content is interpreted as


If I_1, ... , I_n and E_1, ... , E_m are the inclusive/exclusive

conditions of the internal table, then the following composite condition is used to

limit the data selection:
( I_1 OR ... OR I_n ) AND ( NOT E_1 ) AND ... AND (

NOT E_m )

If the table is empty because there are no restrictions, the WHERE conditions

always applies to the respective field.

Hint: The IN operator can also be used in logical expressions:

IF wa_spfli-carrid IN so_car.

For defining a selection option, the same three particularities apply as for the

PARAMETERS statement (see above).

If the internal table of the selection option is filled using the DEFAULT addition or

APPEND statement before the selection screen is displayed (INITIALIZATION,

then its content is displayed on the selection screen as suggested conditions that

can be overwritten.

For further details, refer to the keyword documentation for SELECT-OPTIONS.
On the selection screen the AT SELECTION-SCREEN event is triggered both

by choosing Enter as well as Execute (F8). After the corresponding processing

block has been processed, the following START-OF-SELECTION event is

triggered and the relevant processing started, if Execute was used. However, if

Enter was chosen, the selection screen is displayed again.
Immediately before processing the AT SELECTION-SCREEN block, the user

entries are automatically transferred to the corresponding variables in the program.

Hence, it makes sense to implement required input and authorization checks in

this processing block. If the check result is negative, you can simply send out an

error message to the user and have the selection screen displayed again. The user

then has then option of making new entries.

In contrast, an error message in the START-OF-SELECTION block would be

displayed under program termination.

The following graphic illustrates a simple example program with authorization

check and error dialog on the selection screen.
Additional information can be found in the keyword documentation for “AT


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